Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Blog Assignment #5 - Symbolism in Poetry

In different works of poems, poets use their own type of symbolism to draw you into their stories. The poem "The Silken Tent" by Robert Frost I believe used symbolism in order to explain the true meaning of his poem but seems to use it secretly. The first time reading this poem, myself as well as others didn't really see what the true meaning of the poem was but analysing and really trying to bring yourself into the poem helps understand the meaning of the poem. In Frost's poem he uses personification as a symbol of love and respect towards a mother type figure, maybe even his own mother. His choice of vocabulary really brings at first a sense of confusion but then the true meaning of what he is trying to explain. "And its supporting central cedar pole,/That is its pinnacle to heavenward/And signifies the sureness of the soul." (5-7) These lines in his poem really help express the personification in his work. He uses his words such as "central cedar pole" as a strong and tight bound between his mother and also "pinnacle to heavenward" is used to express that no matter where he would be in the world she would be there to protect and comfort him. Also the line "Is of the slightest bondage made aware" (14) seems to represent the strong and unbreakable bond that both his mother and Frost share between one another. Frost's use of the tent imagery also shows the readers his bondage towards his mother in the sense that the tent standing is the bond and hold between them that cant be broken, that can never fall no matter what obstacles the two of them may face. Being the person that Frost was, this poem seems to show the readers of Frost's soft side as a man and how his weakness towards his mother or maybe even some woman he really cares for seems to cripple him and draw him towards that person.

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